A meta-analysis including nine different trials and a total of 3257 children showed an RR of0.99 (95% CI: 0.81–1.21) of asthma in children receiving probiotics [19]. The majority of studies haveevaluated asthma alongside eczema since they have not been adequately powered to assess the effectsof probiotics on asthma alone (less prevalent than eczema in the young ages). The previously described randomized-controlled trial by Cabana et al. evaluated probiotics and the incidence of asthma at 5 years of age as a secondary outcome The study did not show a significant reduction in asthmadevelopment following the use of probiotics, with an incidence of asthma at 17.4% in the controlarm (n = 92) and 9.7% in the LGG arm (n = 92) (HR 0.88; 95% CI: 0.41–1.87; log rank p = 0.25) [11].