The second layout is brother ... ""Yes, hue ...""Brother, brother is closer then it Hana wants bullying brother, Mimi.""Ah huh ...""Like anyone else ... like myself no.9 someone!"After that take out the other chat with Red Canyon that continues to see scenes of the band in a different brother love melee.And finally a link to seniors lover of yourself standing beside ..."Of course it's brother disciple me. .."Told with pride with hugs chest. Make a chat., up from relieved many times."Elder brother Hana ... not a. ..."Lollipop with buzzing, and it just makes people standing beside them starve to smile to go with no."And that my dear brother ...?" question, then make Sejong eyes again."Hai nguak back story to this eh ...!!"Prior to making a chat over the eyebrows before staring at the little guy face tightened ...