RR1.1 WHAT ARE PARENTAL CONTROLS AND HOW CAN THEY AFFECT CHILDREN’S MATHEMATICS ACHIEVEMENT?JOINDETAILSClassification: RR1Custom fieldsAuthor(s): Weerasinghe, DayaAbstract: Often it can be observed that parents think about their children’s future, expect the best for their children, and want to be involved in their children’s education. Such involvement appears in various forms which may result in both positive and negative outcomes of academic achievement of children. This paper focuses on the implementation of parental controls as a result of parental involvement in children’s mathematics education. The data used were responses from secondary school students (N=128) and their parents (N=85) who live in Melbourne, Australia. The data collection process involved online questionnaires and semi structured face-to-face interviews. A conceptual framework was designed to guide the study. Parental perceptions together with parental controls and students’ mathematics outcomes are discussed with respect to culture, gender, and year level.