' Khruet khruet khruet ' The phone vibrates is on the bedside table of book chat Canyon. A daughter, major shareholder, Nova hongchon, which is known as Selena basao skin looks good lots of most young men. Some body that is is vanity hastens to stroll hand phone that is vibration exists. Phone screen appears the name of the end-of-line. ' Your aunt's mother run the tiramisu ... brother Sejong here contemporary. ' "Hello, you have nothing to help it." "I hear that this time it's very nonsense Sejong owner-damn rats enough see the news in the newspaper?, then this time Uncle Vito niches that Sejong was not accepted into the company as President, let alone what it does not know" who is the mother of the book complain so much when I know that my own daughter in the liquid flow. "I do know enough, your pap is chest to get if he wants to keep the rats do?" "Sejong had never seen a rat at rat page, go to the company with you this job?" it because my aunt hongchon will help me to tell you how to create that situation, hongchon company having problems thinking it's going to be tolerance laeokratueang mostly rats, if there is a way to manage it. rat ball. " "There is peace now, so let's go talk with my father, the rats before." When I hang up from the Canyon chat, mother of the book. She walked into the room of her father hongchon, but she ngaem the door to her father she is lightning talk with customers. She then decided to call the Secretary of the booking. "Hello brother Chong Ha here chat Canyon itself." "That the sudden you chat over there what? to call." "Brother Chong Ha enough shrouded at his elder brother Sejong khriat, where to go." "Oh, that seems to be your pub I'm Kim Jong-Kook, you know you're chatting over Jong-Kook's Let's go look." "Op many thanks brother Chong Ha don't tell that brother Sejong chat Canyon calling." After the draft, some hang up the phone to approximately ten minutes. The father also allowed hongchon arrived at her bedroom. Chat over the dressing table, stool, standing out from the lot and walk to greet her father, famine in the morning.