Today I received news from his family, that is, you must order your eyes from sleeping serenely by, may be because it is the provinces. have the opportunity to see each other regularly, but they visit Grandma your eyes every year. At least I'm happy when father's day ago, chances are you already have. Glad to catch up. .. Know your comfort and pleasure. Ever had someone say that people from the us, it just moved from where they were to come in our mind instead. Today, the CAP is not canceled, that sigh in the side lost the odd ... Young never thought the day would come that way, if you want to lose what they must feel? Before then, just imagine it's a creative eye to flow past the life span but have grown up gradually began to understand that this life has never had anything for sure at all times, Act of it. Everything is there, there are always changes up and down. Thanks to the experience that enables us to understand and grow up today with a really understand until it changes everything. Today, sleeping late and a bit less sleep may be asked what does PIM for a lengthy one at a time! Good dreams ... Good idea, so I realize I'm happy with the protests that have an opportunity to do before it is late. Sometimes we do not know at all that it will be the last time? Here, life is not good today, it is not afraid of tomorrow.