Color wireless Simple but sweet scent of Wisteria thanchati The same as you .... .... Pang!! "How many times can you say not before allowed." The sound of water filled with smoldering rage. Close the pratukrathaek sash, therefore releasing the chat suddenly balk when seen over the man with glasses, posture, vibration, standing in front of a clumsy room. Hand-picked box of documents from a woman who popped out, just small. "Sorry guys brother Sejong, I just wanted to ... "Everything is placed at a table outside, inside, this does not need to come to understand messy?" Then the man nodded, barely broken a lot of paper, handles, neck chiefs and then rush certainly BU. That girl is going to close the door accidentally see a stranger man standing. Tapered brows beautiful matted together. "She ..." Chat over after standing since Aye on few rush to bend introduced, women still face in front of me immediately. "Hi, internship just packing today to come work at the production Department today to drop the meat options, too!! “...” "Oh, forget the name, book chat, Canyon" that then it curved around again. A cheerful smile, ripped, see "options." Long single over head moulding, knot it will loosen out doors open wide, little clit chat, see Canyon full face layout capabilities up stress also exist even when others are speaking, voice is not as severe as mueaki however, "Kim Sejong for dark room think already know" chat page "yonopyak ngak nguek then probably knows what to do and not do anything." "During the film banned!!, Czech film will reflect light into Phuoc corrupted immediately caution is. .." Sejong hands up waving a flop while another person is speaking at the quiet Canyon chat immediately."The punishment does not need to surf, listen, I don't remember. Remove documents placed at my desk. Forward it that then followed. " Girls little noiseless to walk ngoi place profile onto the table, somewhat resembling the placenta severest brother hold label. The first episode, it's no wonder why this Department to have people packed into the last Department. "I will be the film hold a sample cheque" at. "The value to it." Now, not surprisingly, is who will want to work with this kind of dictator. Chat over the walk in, you have to adjust to the darkness of the eye called the dark room. Light is prohibited, even just a little, unnoticed, the best is to already know it's dark, dark room size but it doesn't Shin anyway. Wrong with the chongklap led fluorescent stickers navigation inhabited lio. "จริงๆ ไม่น่ามีใครบรรจุฝึกงานละเอียดแบบนี้ จะสอนงานให้ อย่าเกะกะก็แล้วกัน"คำพูดคำจาก็ไม่ค่อยจะดี คิดแค่นี้ก็ท้อใจไปกว่าครึ่ง ซ้ำยังเดินสะดุดเตะโต๊ะเก้าอี้ตลอดทางแชยอนแอบร้องโวยวายเล็กๆ ยังไงสายตาก็ไม่คุ้นชินกับความมืดน่าอันตรายนี่อยู่ดี จนเซจองที่เดินไปถึงกลางห้องอย่างรวดเร็วจิ๊ปากรำคาญ"เดินตรงมาสิ ไม่เห็นมีอะไรขวางเลย" ไม่เห็นจะมองอะไรได้เลย