Yo WAT Luang Pu a khotpan House that Chai, Nakhon phanom.Well, the current coin coins. There is no need to be a little like an old coin "coin University wishes". Luang Pu Chai-yo khotpan House measure words that phanom province because despite only 22 years of age to create only one coin, but thats a different collectors, particularly in the current pursuit. As a result, some of the higher values price shocked.Authors who take part in the operation to create the coin sets were often inquire after friends in the industry, as well as those who are interested up to date. Details the creation of the content, as well as to different places and the creation of certain aspects of the content of each individual coin. It is the basis on which people should be aware of the guidelines for education. Author collected data of Luang Pu amulet a House, especially popular in the University Medal, wish this Medal, 1993.University Medal, established in agenda, wishes celebrating around 6 am when a House Luang Pu 2531 (1988) thatha coronation ceremony output during full moon 15 lunar month 12 by Luang Pu a single time, 7 incantation House night.In creating this magic coin he shared with a growing disciple sathaporn Bangkok has created the present descendants in agendas, Luang Pu a celebration around the age of 6 above. In designing the medals for the first time unique medal design. "the capital". When the present Luang pu You have some feedback, and edit the details as well, creating a "small print" up coins from the capital indicated that the coin has a larger suit hanger, but watch for men to give women used to hang the worship.Coin casePrint coin design. The author has used a stack of coins, medals, seat and BA teacher Phan. Tim WAT Luang Pu RA Division Rai as a template by cutting and removing Phan Luang Pu seat on the wrong message instead. This is due to the need to complete the Triple Gem-like image of a coin of Buddha Dharma, and the Sangha are included in the same coin, as well as a symbol of the serpent, which is also the symbol of the Mekong River. It also means to uphold chunphra of Buddhism. This is if we notice those God'll noble monk through the Mekong basin is often associated with the serpent story very little else would? Even the word House has saved Luang Pu said he had found the serpent.The front of the coin is the same House seat the full word element, Luang Pu. On the base class thammat (of the monks). The rear wheel of Luang Pu is located behind the sema Dharmacakra (refer to him). The serpent symbol appears beside the right head is 14 "living being 7 tanakha head" (meaning those who uphold chunphra of Buddhism).Top Buddhist Dharmacakra above sema appear decorated small (meaning Buddha), and the sangkhati code appears."UMA transcribed thom" Yan image stamping stampOn the back of the coins brought yan "University wishes" stamp is the first prayer (Yes, "summoning" Maha yan reiterated desire "stamp is the first prayer is not a coin, unlock the debt that many people understand), such as Yan yan at the famous House of Luang Pu a trust that is an image that contains output yan thatha high chilling universe as I know yan traiphop cover with since the era of arhat disciples of Buddha in jambudvipa has written to help human beings in the world, has been published and inherited until the House where Luang Pu Kham Luang Pu has studied so far experienced.The number of creation.Gold The number of generated 4 coins.Body funds to create 40 coins.Nawa, metal body The number of generated 108 USD(D) the number of lead contents create 108 USD.Antique Tin meat (some) creation of 56 coins.Bronze number 2250 coins created.Coin caseFront oval as Luang Pu a house half the elements in a month and the oval sang kha yan format code appears the principal "thom UMA transcribed." Hammer stamps On the back of the coins brought yan University "University wishes" stamp athitan, for the first time.The number of creation.Gold Create a number of 12 medals.Beef "44 medals.Meat, nawaloha "108 USD(D) "body takua 108 USDOld Tin meat (some) "108 USDBronze horse lo "The 56 medals.Body wallets "56 coins.2400 coins, bronze ".For this is the coins. One of the legendary metal body called nawa is pretty rare. ultimate salvation, aura. With the last words, the na thong, liam has the major championship 1. School Officer SamphranGod the Lord, the true beginning of Ubon a beautiful presentation for your dude.