The interior of the king. Open shop Mug king in hard awkward. The king turned to see a smile Mug walk. "Hey, are not going to get"
"fine" Mug smile
."Come on" King ran for the packing case of to sit. "Sit down, the floor is also mess up in." he looked around. "Like, we're planning to decorate it. What? "The mug embarrassed but simper and listen to the king went to the corner angle.Then stick to full right here in black and white. It's background. And here, we use the original image. But this time the colors do size evenly. Are arranged in a row. It must be very pretty.... "the king to" know ")
Mug smile there. You go hand in hand, king. "Come and sit here.")
King smile let Mug hand in hand to sit and spread. "Well, and a shop called degenerate age with YouTube. According to the us hand in hand with a mug. "
Mug called gently" King..."Sad face Mug king. Use another hand picked out the ring putting hand king, King abruptly to feel have a ring in his hand. The mug handle hand King tightly shaking hands both became sad to both. The king sat quiet but nervous obviously.But they also never let his hands apart)
.Trying to gather "
Mug Mug..." she still go to the king began to tail "Mug... Love King at best. ... never do to mug as much as king "
king of immediately." wait, wait, wait. Wait... Don't พูดนะ..."He concentrate." is that if it's too soon, Turner also don't think to answer what we...? We are sorry that accelerate Mug too much... Don't have to answer right now, okay? "The king's will rise to a
TA หลิ long pull your hands" King... ")
.King silent tears, he knows that it will start to hurt more. Turner started crying. ยามยิ้ม King try and sit down "Hey! Don't cry... ")
Mug Mug just nodded, tear up" just don't want to see King sad...