It's happy time you have a problem. You call him, is a number. "When you're drunk. He has to take care of the strip and change time แกหนาว blanket, pain can massage. You have entered. Wipe your nose. You hungry, he has prepared food, clothes, he prepared to dig everything when shopping. He must place of weathered man. Your car, he used a matter not complain. Mobile code told and use, check you before I go to work, do the laundry, ได้เช็ดตัว, cuddle you slept with him the same money bag Acting crazy, ridiculous things. Even if you fart together didn't. Underwear to sleep. Walk along the room he I Fu looks not clear, you still hug. It's warm da. You get your brother. You cuddle him. Tell your lover, your brother laughed in the car, he will keep to prepare something for things like a wife to take care of her husband. To complain you wearing clothes do not wash, you complain about the ironing set he bought, you ask that today will give what you wear, what put and call. Handsome, you always pull jade to hold until he forgot you flirting. It make me forget 7 the Mayu with him 4 night. It ยังดีน. You call more often. Say a word. Yes, time to talk, be afraid in the bedroom, away forgetting stain turas, chest like fart to smell like shit ไม่ปิ doors bath won't close all use the foam to see him. The brush to put together all of which one you use to him you will use everything, socks, T-Shirts, shoes, pillows, towels, hand brush