And then I even now those stacks of stone dead like that? "Sejong talking and enjoying a lollipop with a laugh to go with. Will the other party then look for ample eye ..."Let the misunderstanding then ... now all it well, pointing to the same point, sina.Not somet ... point to a single person. "Na yongklao Sami shamans before the eyes that frown with tension, say something comes out."It looks too locked ....""We think, but only the form! ... and here we are, it's not a game anymore." Na Yong, lifting a glass of water to drink up before the book is little smile at the corners of the mouth twitches. But also not to discuss what the sound vibration of sap mobile calls it so disturbing it first ..."Hello ..."Said before, na Yong, a suspect because the colors do look Sejong brow tense again stress muat. Camouflage looks up the eyes, na Yong intermittently ..."The calm side ... HA ... gently spoken by locals. Stop crying before. I do not listen out ... "The name of the end-of-line seated on the other side, looked absolutely shocked. As I would like to pull the mobile in hand, Sejong decided, it may not be doing that ...."Huek ... to stampede Antoine sur .... Sejong .... na Yong .... to stampede Antoine sur. The storyline death .... to stampede I'd be dead layout because I huek .... .... .... I confess to hue to everything ...To listen tudot .... ""Chong Ha!!!!! Chong ...".."NA-Yong .... line is cut, go to!!!!"