Clack ....!!".........."It sounds, along with the doctor stepped foot into a patient's room again.Mind full of worry, make yourself come, hurry, formerly taken. Breathing withdrawal reliefWhen you see that people make a fuss of mind still continues to wow the eyes sleeping beside the patient's bed of Chieh chowong.Walking into the stop beside little lollipop pull blankets that flow down from the shoulder of a young girl, it is in its original position.Sitting beside before looking pretty face so still. ...Sejong mother mother .... ' .... If no child exists. Sorry mom ... 'Historic images that flow into the brain again, small eyes, also having stuck firmly in the brain cannot erase.Now that college entrance exams have full tuition scholarships and must move away is Tower near the College.Not with the mother at all times same as previous. Date to come back home again. Mother's day that saw a body hanging ropeThe mail is intended, dead donkeys. The body of writing that, however remember the Sharpshooters all letters. The closingTo feel pain. My mother stepped through it, it's not possible. Every time you encounter a problem, she often yearn for a strong, from the book a hitch.If her mother is strong by itself, but the first.If she's not there are pheromones. It would also be good ...Sejong is constantly thinking. To have special powers who said it's a good thing ...If he wants to be just a regular person ...This child would be the same whether the chat view, night clubs, over no matter how many times a.Understand the feelings were radiating from the eye, but now ....