จี้ด!Yeah... Half a year ago. Both she and Sejong almost no time spent together. This is mostly Chae Yeon and stood up Sejong throughout. With the work that Chae Yeon do fully, and Papa Bear and got lost forget that Sejong is home is where the heart is. Her all the time."No, I be free this Saturday. Do you want to see? I see all" Chae Yeon do looks lonely to begging เซจอง fully. But again, this pearl doesn"t work."No, never an appointment she acetate along".Be in blossom!Chae Yeon brow furrows with a face bounce on the doctor. And took the necklace to just get out of the box."Make me". Chae Yeon filed into the hands of people who sit above the necklace and turn around."The thought has put".! was gnawing don"t quit, but the hand was still wear, because actually Sejong knew that the mind does not. But it was angry to see Chae Yeon ignore her like this. I have a man to steal this cheek soft again."kiss".Chae Yeon upright use their lips touched in the lip of the other fast and คุณหมอเบิก ตาโพลง. Don"t think Chae Yeon to do this while you are in the mood for this."... hey, I get angry." Chae Yeon inspector to Sejong. Then move up sitting on the sofa. Before pulling the hand Sejong capture."I"m sorry, Sejong ah.Sorry for everything.Please excuse my job too. When the mood is down on her, even though she comforted to help me like you used to do all the time. But I forget what you have.I"m sorry, boyfriend forgot our anniversary.