"You're Kim Sejong ...... you know what is being said." "I'm realizing it. I am confident. Now I love you, "a book so much starvation Canyon runs into the chat closely. "A book". "Sorry." Pok!!!! FuebopbopbopbopbopbopbopbopbopbopSejong forget Kim came up after itself prior to anaesthesia is found, now they're in a space suit on the tiny vehicles that Apollo comes from the drugs 101 seats for only one to send back on Earth. Before looking at the tremendous straps on waist and expected that made the book can't get up and go. "Chat Canyon." Sejong mention voice calling out lightly. When you see people draft some standing looked at her address. "Provision for your own safety, you should go back to." Chat over the mention of plain before facing dramatically higher after walking out, but the reverse is hand of Kim Sejong grab hold. "You can't throw me over chat, you have" a book talk, and that makes the chat over turn slowly. "I'm just like you." Sejong I can't let the people I love. Must live alone in the world. " Chat over the speech finished go grab a space helmet head, Sejong before lock kits work look, Sejong chat example Canyon. Before the man in front of the trend itself is gradually coming down, kisses on the CAP slowly. "Someday we will meet again. When you wake up Sejong "