After a long chat, dress up, not finish u Yeon Joo suddenly drove into the House by the famous clan chat sent to Canyon. The high-stepping down from the body with a playful smile of a. Just then cause the bottom waiting for reservationsImagine, irritability, moodiness, it brings up the fact that since the car comes a beautiful baby is small.Why is there this size luxury car and drive it, I did not know? See if there's no Simeon, he chats up the Canyon to the bus to school. The world is not fair, a little.The "chat with the Canyon. Oh, almost forgot, the barkeep Yong in. senior high "draft chat greetings Sejong Canyon first. Before a curve, Sejong stands in front of tension, is a long time. "The pile.""Savage book chat!", a mention of the Canyon side, saying no good people put u ju that way."What will go still losing time" little guy face neglect, before accelerating to Yu ju, rushed to the. Yu Ju himself was not angry he only shook a smiley little sample humor before walking to the car door open to indirect management, chat, Canyon.Sit and make like you're not corporeal Sejong stands breathe the world is to remove a small night..