... Brother, wake up!!! ""Why don't you wake up in. ... today announced the first day of the semester. I don't want to go to the wire. "Because the sound of sweet sister with shaken gently change the options are increasingly.Nearby, who are sleeping on the bed, slowly open the eyelids posed comes up.Small mouth, chewing is something like a mystery Ngum because of nguangia. But when I saw that my own sister.Put students successfully prepare students with identical to immediately rush to rebound quickly from the mattress."What then?"Question time from her sister, but the small watch yourself pulling the bed up to look at instead.And what the prosecution on the dial, the more eyes than older, many times ..."Okay ... to hurry to 7.45 bath now. He's a good guy, kinda line will not ... ""In. .."That man's head before the teacher catch hold down the Middle, kisses fit. After the riprut leave his bed alreadyChat over the rear seat, but the man's brother ... very quickly disappeared out of .....Sa ..."Oh, Antoine Minnie!! is used?"The sound that came out of the shower, the bathroom is in the room itself, it makes the person who hands it is also engrossed with clothing.That is going to provide access to the College. The Faculty's shirt, jeans, clothing shop was picked out from the Cabinet.As with Andrea อรืแวร์ that almost hold them until Ant ม่ไห must use mouth hold peninsula. Before the door closed, remove the foot helps to ..."No need to hurry now ... hes my brother room." it takonbok people also bathe in it.And they are going out of the room itself. But that suddenly the sound from the shower it stopped to.While the voice shout louder, later ..."Done laeo!!!"Clack ...."....."Sejong stops the leg itself is going to walk out of the room, remove them. Fragrance of the SOAP is not familiar.Choi came out to touch his nose would be his own preparation outlines SOAP. But that's enough back.Sejong, it must be turned back into frame itself is rarely fashionable. Because the elder redhead gathering hair up on top.Plus it's refused to dress successfully Out in big towels off a single cache.Whiteness buddy blown much bumped up to the eye with colour Sejong up a bit ...