Chat and walk up to dash over before her, will not look so coincidentally to a man walking back to her."Shuffling excuse me." Chat over the bow, who is standing she cradled the old-fashioned, Face, smile, and a familiar voice replied. Make the chat does not dance, rhythmic palpitations over and start to feel that. A small body of people that stands now.......Is the same person. "Beware of the little bit of Simeon ... chat Canyon." In the end, that last night she forget Gradually, he began to make her remember everything, everything.Every word spoken. Every story. Every action. That night she went to dance on the stage look, kinda. Oh, it starve Canyon wind, wanted to become a chat and knowledge survive? "Remove the handkerchief to return to the" Sejong filed a white handkerchief over the familiar chat, good. Because last night she is, with the book itself, chatting to the Canyon. Before long, little had to leave before they are sent out to the little smileys, chat over the back stand is. Chat over the stands smile, looking at his own handkerchief not long a sound notification.Before meeting someone's message. "See this chat night Canyon." Not with a little chat, phenomyim Canyon, the text that appears before the reply is printed into the text of a particular people. People who make her know, wear the mind dance force. Just one night "Then come across. Brother Sejong I will be sober. "