Inside of the King King store, open the door into a ladle heavy chai to King turned to see a broad smile, walked into a ladle. "Hoi ยย is coming, why not say it has to accept.""Of course not." answered smiling, kitchenware."Ma", King ran to lang's, seat holders "earlier seating surfaces, it is still a mess" He looks around, "do you like? We are planning that will decorate it, yet? " Kitchenware, difficult, but smiled sitting hear haeng King went to the corner. "This here, we will expand the already installed, will ever ask for this at all as a black and white background, it's the best HES here, we will use the same format, the same size, but this time is equally addicted to si do sort the rows, it pretty much ..." King "pa" rear. A ladle to hand King ngoi Luke smiles, "come sit here!" King smiled letting the hand and a ladle to spread towards the. "The name of the evil of the age shift, urban shop damn dog's name hand image reminded me that we shift a ladle in it."Kitchenware, light "call King ..." Sad looking face in front of the King, kitchenware. Use hand grab a ring out of place wearing a King hand. The King was. I feel that there is in the rings, tools, kitchenware, hand shaking both hands tightly to King. Sad start. King sat silent, but it is noticeable to fidget. Waiting for just the right to say to the kitchenware, but the couple have not release. Kitchenware, attempting to collect, are "still going ..." she were King, kitchenware, start cap, "kitchenware were .... love the King! ... Never had anyone do to a ladle as the King! "The King immediately, "Park sought very soon for a second ... don't just say! .." He collected "is is, if it's too soon to have to answer no to kitchenware, what we ... We apologize that accelerate a ladle much ... is ... not have to reply to us, now! "-King pillows made to seem to rise to the.Kitchenware, pulling a hand. "the King ..." Silent tears watching King. He knows that it will begin to hurt, kitchenware, increasingly began to cry. The King tried to smile and cry, don't give away the "Hoi di ..." Kitchenware kitchenware, finishing just a nod for "just doesn't want to shed tears seeing the King did not want to regret ... are the ones that make the King must regret. Do not want to make the best of a ladle must regret. " King tears flowing with words that best friends and look back the ring in his hand. "Don't cry at all. We don't like to see "King cry arose, kitchenware, standing on ngunngan would like to cry.Rose tries to capture the King, kitchenware. "The King," the King of town pulled a ladle into surging phlung Kiss. The ice King, kitchenware, standing, eyes tight, delirious, he felt that a strong and unique kitchenware, what with his kisses! King Dan the kitchenware out slowly, very sad to see the King's face and see many attempts do not cry out.