Left unguarded lollipop with booking could not be gradual. Laughs when recalling the incident, she has been on the reserve Chae Yeon alone. But forbidden to prevent noise, people sleeping in the hallway. You may look at that as a warning signal from the ground. And that the booking process to frown face serious again before gradually. Book Chae Yeon looked again to make sure she was still asleep , so hit up the feedback signal "a dozen friends. What's not talked lastingly set the Bulge "Seven people staring at the screen. Not unusual to expect that much. That appeared on the screen, it 's still a few Hee Hyun like "It's generally the same," Sejong she said with a facing that Chae Yeon lying , "Why does not seem to be alone me." "or I was there with, " " What downsized. I am alone!! "Sejong speak loudly to cover up when a friend asked a question that made her afraid to break something ," Yup. Today I have good news and bad news to tell. I would rye before " " Rye said to me, "Kim remarked Responses to Sejong when a friend asked whether it was not good news, bad news Sejong much attention anyway ," So the good news first. NASA then set a date to return. Three more days to prepare for it, "said Kee Hee Hyun came out happy. But that stagger back seat listening is not as happy because it means that she is with another man , leaving less and less , "Hey Sejong. You listen to me, I was naked, " " Yup, listening to the bad news already, "Kim Sejong asked to press a second.