Park (Park) for sale: 164 units are available for sale from $ 4,890,000 reaches $ 36,019,400.Park (Park) for rent: 51 units are available with a rental from $ 17,500 to $ 95,000. Per month.
Park 24 (Park 24) For sale: 164 units with space for up to 4.89 million from ฿ ฿ 36.0194 million 24 Park (Park 24) for rent: 51 units available for rent from ฿ ฿ 17 500 to 95 000 per month.
Park 24 (Park 24) for sale: 164 units space available for sale from 4 890 kg, 000 kg, to 36 019 400,,,Park 24 (Park 24) for rent: 51 units space available for rent from 17 kg, kg, 500 to 95 000 per month.