佛統府,崇拜鑾por觀錢總量(khandhas)要坐在泥土,使護身符,但是你不屈服於旅行遠和崇拜,夢醒的碳粉條和准備The amulet grandfather wat Kuan magic, which has the great พุทธาภิเษก correct according to ancient texts, a seaport to attend the ceremony as many lines. Measuring the bell Luang Pu Naga is the president of Tate and พุทธาภิเษก late father maw.Gods beautiful. The book "the legend of amulets Trang"
history create amulets Temple Juan magic, especially as Royal crab maw. Wat Kuan magic
.(teacher survived) wat pradu development ram, Nakhon Si Thammarat,The school extensively วิหารธรรม Temple West Palace, Nakhon Si Thammarat, provost OPAs: you (you light วัดคลอง water seven), acid phosphatase is fair held (teacher clink. Temple School, discuss RAM) Trang RiverMeasuring ช้างไห้ line he Oh, teacher's temple garden master rotate his temple, the red, the teacher brought wat don Pavilion and master teacher GA glass วัดอินทราวาส. Phatthalung Buddha completely hidden Temple D B.Message to measure fresh medicine pirom เจ้าคณะจังหวัด Trang
.Causes that the monk's temple have wonderful because the chapel diarrhea must จัดสร้าง again. The school also has funded by nature.People pay much attention, because you don't have to go far, one week. You teacher ปราโมทย์ธรรม wat Go back to the Buddhas.A new and handsome Buddha lack more teacher Tim is suggested measure Juan magic. Build up yourself you wish the school operation. The contact experienced about creating amulets and พุทธาภิเษก ceremony.From the father of light measured near the He Shi. And collect the powder and ground path four district in India. Soil from the ozone such as soil soil soil ฝังรก you cradle tree foot.The soil and ash incense Buddhas. The soil of the Srivijaya raw clay fracture of the cave he calls and white hill,The soil pillar of seven soil kangaroo, drug giant ลำพร Yang Temple, clay and ash incense from the temples and sacred places and mineral powder from manuscripts, magic, and antiques which save character indexing from old Khom several temple,... The meteors.Moss SEMA old temples,ผงอิทธิเจ powder and powder of the old gods of satisfaction from the father of light Measurement of canal water seven including the grandfather. The fracture damage taken from the Buddhas folks worship at first. Take all of crushed aggregate powder put the sack.Right to worship the father te Kongtong at Trident, Nakhon Pathom, to invite to the case in the output time wedding. But you old inconvenience to travel far. The present powder and that prepared to as until fully.Nakhon Pathom to worship ngoen. To invite to the case in the พุทธาภิเษก. But you old inconvenience to travel far. So worship you sprinkle powder and that prepared.The school also travel to the temple bell to respectfully invited. He raised พระเทพสิทธินายก (Luang Pu Naga). The abbot of the temple bell is the president Tate and พุทธาภิเษก Luang Pu Naga.Investment casting to deal to the principal.