She saw the child again, coffee shops, taverns, but offset because her work is being ran, it does not observe people who stood looking outside. Every morning, the children were at school, Korea is too original. And back at the dorm, beside a coffee shop before the sky goes dark. And every night she went The shadow of someone at the window at the second floor there. Chat over the know yourself, no guessing when the drunk pretend. shadow the second floor window to take cover is missing. Become the boy ran down her torso into the room. The child recognized her, really, now that demolishing everything in the bags, she came out to see her straddle the private information under passport reading light. Chat Canyon never thought of last night will end up like this ... If children complain thieves woke me up. She was probably exposed all that matters not to dissuade her from so many visitors, the angry drunk would be exposed to steal first kisses, including kissing, two, three, four, five, or how much it may not count comes from her. Spirits may drink high degree to make a morning that torture. If it is possible to chat over it. Clothes rack above the heater in the bedroom is completely dry and back on the body of the owner. Nothing remains, as evidence that a woman ever had strangers come in this one room. If possible, would not want to chat, Canyon. But just getting more people arrive. Never exists in the options. In which human beings on this planet, no date known, there may be a possible world, hundreds of millions of blades rotated along its trajectory. One of them is a world which will be selected over the world will know your name over the chat this girl. On Earth, then she could have stood by her until the last day, or in the world, we could find only a short time and then dispersed because of some conflict. Everything that is happening today is not in his plans, Canyon, and on this planet, it does not have any reason to get her into sharing that pain will go later, just let our Earth orbit indefinitely. Take all your memories go to a minimum so as not to be a burden, and if think so even just find a timeless sweet liqueurs that type; There is no visible progress and at somewhere that one. But it is not here ...