Majesty. Alan ทน์ temple bell to call a is correct His Majesty the พุทธุป per table ทน์ built by King's grandson LAN Heng Samrin (line) in เสนีวงศ์. You maintain the ranks. Her serene Highness the พุทธุป per table ทน์ at LANHe was the doctoral student of my lord Heng Samrin (grow) since he saved my lord parental radiation somdet create majesty onwards
a serene highness Heng Samrin (line; เสนีวงศ์) made up your image. In 1990.Good 11 after my Lord somdet created majesty comes two years, but did not สร้างโดยลำพัง him. If invited to my Lord somdet build, and let the powder five aspects of my Lord's children's confidence
creation King table ทน์ amulets, Alan? Presumably created during the yearGood education. While maintain the ranks "Buddha fading Lancia ทน์" during those years, the Heng Samrin (big Prom radiation) is still alive, so presumably เจ้าพระคุณ majesty will be compassionate ceremony chanted with older people."The two somdet." but popular amulet general popularly referred to as "Majesty", ทน์ Ping Lun
.When my Lord somdet The end then ye contains these amulets in the pagoda. Which is on the southwestern side of the temple. By merit unto my lord Heng Samrin (grown parental radiation).
.Majesty. Alan ทน์ temple bell Buddha nature is the a type to meditate on the base. และพิมพ์ stand type is considered the best of the in-laws with the king, ทน์ Lancia Is meat type arch the going out in gray and black.