Why not dress up, brother, it successfully before ... "said to feel panic than ever.When people are using a small cloth to wipe, so I move in closer than the answers ..."Oh ... it's her bathrooms per non-or?""It's a beautiful spot ... the uem, o. .." Sejong rallied back back with a bend eye look the other way.Move your body away from the slow, but the brother is going out from the body's own brother ..."A book ... There are hair dryers, pa?""There are .. up!!Turn to your small body in Tijuana is going to shove through a narrow channel at standing in front a mirror.And finaly make itself into a collision Juniors until. Sejong collapses down onto the mattress.Before a senior Red, it will be able to use both hands, lean body of a. But now it seems likeShe is lying on the shape of this aired with younger faces only a little bit away ..."Brother ... is ..."Same as the time it freezes temporarily when the elder redhead so hardcore, standing away from the body.Plus reduce arm elbow down flat against the bed. Skew sinsa herself in strange degrees.Slide the face up until it needs to strike mention of Sejong. Jerky little smile before some minuscule ..."Her that if anyone saw us in this condition ... foolproof pa?""Without doubt it ..."When a book, the answer to, and try to push the body of the person who asked away from ..."Brother, don't hurry it's okay isn't it? ... but my dash ....""Canyon chat!!!!..."Sejong shouts to fire when enough out of restraints of the seniors themselves.The body of his sister, stood at the front door. Little sister tight grasp fist shakeNot indicate any feelings, face calm, but it sounds cool until the polar heart trauma.Do the book knows ... are in a huff over the chat ..."I ... to m's brother, he's errand ... next, I beg!!Bread!!!!"Wait ...!!!!... chat chat Canyon Canyon!!!"After that, Sejong, it does not give any attention to my sister I am. Run by the sisters banged doors and loud.Out go the excluded life. ... But that was the same as will as to hardly.Pueng!!!