"This is nothing." Clear color chat, pick up booze Canyon before Chu, Kim Sejong stand arrangement are supplies turned to look. "The storyline is called rum is a liquor made from fermented sugar cane and sugar. A remove ingested add warmth. " Sejong turned to explain before we turned to organize supplies, but must be stopped. Upon hearing the bottle cap open before looking the quarry finds the book chat all liquor bottles, it has over the barrier into the neck. "More like eating it, hoei now it's screwed," Sejong questioned before rushing to seize the bottles carried with their Canyon looks like a man in front of me looked, but somehow is not sathok, but I didn't say anything that bizarre than ever come out. "Now the 36-degree temperature rise the heart rate are at 100." "Ha". "Heart rate is 110". "I'm sure I'm Sejong Kim drunk." "Oi ยยย!!!" shout louder, cry, Kim Sejong before rushing into the cradles, aliens are the toxic liquor because, well, she's dead, let's get a remove immediately before getting down to the chat page, looking at the Canyon, now looking at the page phrim. Sejong quit wondering eyebrow when Kim hands over the back of the wood starts to fidget chat. "A book I found a sweet substance in you. " "Ha?" "Here." Chat speak is pulled over the man who cradled her came immediately before gently kissing. Times the private Sejong come her very closely and that cause the book to Flex out. But the lips of people directly in front of the secret strike her more sweet. Before Kim Sejong will gradually recognize alcohol aliens previously. Flex-force of the book's weaker, but add a little too heads-down to the kiss received. Thus the book started as opposed to yonklap chat dialog? Sejong reaches some body before gently cradled came forward to love on the couch crying in chongklai increased as Ponce options until the stop address. Sejong himself now barely Kim cannot deny that being in a spaceship alone in the desolate. It make Kim Sejong loneliness. And yearning No surprise that Kim Sejong will sense whatsoever with people directly in front of you. "A book well." Its in front of Coos that sound right. Making the more biting to Sejong yearning to taste Before that, both will fall into a trance of another. In deep space