Kim picked up a bag of compressed dry granular Sejong the direct page to see whether there is anything that she wants to taste, eat this morning before deciding to pick up first hand bag comes out. Khimbap Sejong shook page comes out when seeing, because the taste ... bored already. The second bag of fried chicken. If not, eat a delicious nibble dry seaweed soup with it. Rice with curry paste it to a bag, you look beautiful Sejong immediately before deciding to grab the last bag is in the end. Although tired, but it is a taste that she likes to eat the most. Tock Bok Ki Sejong thrown into mouth with swallow quickly. Before the water comes out of the Cabinet when pressed for a moment. Drink it down to just one minute. Sejong was that he behaved himself that morning already. Because the land stock guitars flavor that is dissolved in the mouth until the Sejong touch. It's still delicious flavour intact. This model, like every day. Sejong walk out before the match to go see the big box, placed in the middle of the room seemed to be a box that was sent from the operating unit on the ground. Most of the delivery is often a factor in life that is lived different lives in space. Kim Sejong down press code that is. Until the big box set is unlocked before gradually. Slide out the Interior of the box will be packed in airtight format. Sejong began to hand out caps, see if they have what's needed but not as sheep to be stopped. Because of the ringing signal from the monitor on the ground that makes the scroll box up off Sejong into same.