Reagent logs, protocol summaries, and run reports for each staining run demonstrate that Requirements 23.2 and 11.4 have been met.<br>Data was assessed to determine whether requirements have been met.<br>The PRD Requirement 18.1 for background acceptability states that 90% of slides should have acceptable background scores of less than or equal to 0.5.<br>However, because this study used TMA slides in addition to full tissue slides, this requirement was expanded to evaluate background acceptability on each individual tissue core for TMA.<br>Platform to Platform Equivalence Analysis<br>Overall percent agreement(OPA)between the assays stained on BenchMark ULTRA, XT and GX were calculated.<br>Unevaluable cores were not included the 2x2 tables or in the following calculations.<br>Agreement rates are calculated as follows for each platform-to-platform equivalency pairwise comparison(ULTRA to GX, ULTRA to XT and XT to GX):<br>Negative Percent Agreement(NPA)=(d/(d+b))×100%<br>An additional analysis was completed on the staining intensity between platforms without acceptance criteria.<br>Agreement on staining intensity per case will be defined as being 1 score unit away or less between platforms(i.e. if XT has stain intensity of 1.5 and ULTRA has stain intensity of 3.0 then this would result in a disagreement between platforms).<br>An overall percent agreement(OPA)will be calculated for each platform pairwise comparison:GX vs. ULTRA, ULTRA vs. XT, and GX vs. XT.<br>The sample size per comparison of 150 cases with a 90% concordance will result in a two-sided, 95% lower bound confidence interval of 84.2%.<br>This report presents data collected from separate protocols:MLH1-D115042, PMS2-D115044, MSH2- D113867 and MSH6-D112793.<br>VENTANA anti-MLH1(M1)Data Analysis(Protocol D115042)<br>Additional analysis looked at the captured stain intensity scores to assess platform-to-platform reproducibility of VENTANA anti-MLH1(M1).<br>An OPA of 95.0%(441/464)was calculated for VENTANA anti-MLH1(M1)as shown in Table 3.<br>Reproducibility was previously assessed in a formal verification study using full tissue sections of CRC(D117055)and provided an OPA of 100%(90/90).<br>Table 2:MLH1 Platform-to-Platform Equivalency(Status Agreement for Each Tissue Case)<br>Table 3:MLH1 Platform-to-Platform Reproducibility Within 1.0 Staining Intensity for Each Tissue Case<br>Catalog ID<br>#of Observations Within 1.0 S.I. for the TMA core<br>Note:The 95% CIs are included in parentheses using the Wilson(Score)method.<br>VENTANA anti-MLH1(M1)background analysis demonstrated a 99.7%(630/632)background acceptability rate.<br>Biostatistics analysis reports for VENTANA anti-MLH1(M1)background acceptability rate may be found in Attachment 13.15.<br>Agreement on staining intensity per case was defined as being 1 score unit away or less between platforms.<br>#of Observations Within 1.0 S.I. for the CRC case<br>Data Analysis:Unevaluable TMA cores(CO8010 and COC1021)<br>The MMR IHC panel assays provide a unique opportunity to analyze each core across a TMA stained with all MMR m ...