Elder brother Gary tricked Hana Mimi, follow her need for redemption, with two people in love.Grand scam uses the love of Chong Ha that are continuously selling dreams, her story can then be open flower at the outside.Living life together as her dream.Above all else.Grand Patron of the Benders and authentic is our Grand!!!!Whatcha making? ฮีฮ Canyon ....."The little man's words stand there staring at a page of their own best friends with eyes filled with anger.If its pain. Disappointed. The sound of water itself, so a variety of feelings, rakhon go.Only those accused now back, gently lift the little smile, laugh, still standing only. Sighed lightly.The gesture seemed to question the Sejong not reduce gun down what they are saying ..."Brother to brother Ki ... categories ... why not real brother and he told me the doctor. The brethren to understand anything wrong anyway!!Back to view people who even recently introduced in a short time, but fans love the storyline that she sees.Even though I like the civil war because the same person with a nervous but looking to not believe it.That the litigation section. Her respect for the littleTo become a brute villain Diamond project is a human mistake that she hated people."Yes ... the doctor Sami she understood something wrong anyway, I'll be a Diamond go?"Tell you before it makes chatting even more confident because of the Canyon look like the idea of the storyline, there is no conflict.She looks normal, everything good, but pick a hand picked photos, Sejong leaves the victim out of the coat pocket.Chu, it came up looking into it with photographs of the soldiers found three people. Two men sitting on the bottom of the image.Remember that all the chat, Canyon is on the left, Jon won Hugo and the other side is a man almost hurt her when this awhile.Another man standing as a man with glasses holding a gun gesture at the show and the person standing ke kang in the middle of the picture.Is a familiar woman chat Canyon as well. Ki Yeon ฮีฮ People stood to the side Canyon now.The girl turned to look, the page of the person who is standing beside you now. I don't know that it means anything.But they see a Pally with Umaga won before. But she returned to read anything from the storyline, not at all expensive.The more hyperactive area? The idea of ฮีฮ Canyon not to have any sound heard becomes empty.Those who have never hidden their own idea realistically much of this size before.Unlike the Sedona healers must also use other topics glossed real thinking.But this man ฮีฮ Canyon can make it is empty ...